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Legal notice for users of Dantherm Group's website
© Copyright Dantherm Group
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Read our full Cookie and Privacy Policy here
This website is designed purely to provide information on Dantherm Group its affiliates and its products. Dantherm Group has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts contained in these pages are accurate. Dantherm Group, its employees, distributors and vendors, assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in this website or documents, which are referenced by or linked to this site. This website could include technical or other inaccuracies.
Changes are periodically added to the information, and Dantherm Group may change the products or services described at any time. Contact us or your local sales representative for further information before relying on any information contained herein.
The information provided on this site, including text, images and links, are provided "AS IS" by Dantherm Group, solely as a convenience to its visitors. This information is without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.
This Legal Notice shall be governed by Danish Law. Any dispute arising out of or in relation to this Legal Notice, which cannot be solved amicably, shall be decided by the Danish Courts.
Dantherm Group A/S
Marienlystvej 65
7800 Skive
Tel. +45 96 14 37 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Management: Oliver Zimmermann, CEO
VAT No.: DK30537939