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The benefits of controlling temperature and humidity in military camps and tents

4 min. czyt.
Insights Content AC M7 tent

Military camps and field hospitals must be capable of offering a safe, secure environment for all occupants, regardless of the environment they’re based in.

A major aspect of this is ensuring temperature and humidity is never allowed to stray beyond comfortable levels. If either is allowed to reach extreme highs or lows, it can noticeably affect the wellbeing of those on-site.

In this article, we will identify what impact the climate can have in these environments, and what Dantherm products can do to keep these under control.

What can happen if temperature or humidity are not kept under control?

When temperature or humidity levels are excessively high or low in any setting, it is unhelpful for everyone. But, especially in military camps and field hospitals, the risks of not addressing this can be costly to operational performance and people’s health:

Uncomfortable, unproductive environments

Excessive heat negatively impacts people’s comfort. Day-to-day tasks are more challenging. They will sweat more profusely. They will struggle to get consistent sleep.

Overall, it makes those on-site more uncomfortable, irritable and lethargic, which will hinder their performance. By keeping temperature and humidity under control, they will be able to work, rest and sleep in relative comfort. They will remain as productive and alert as possible, minimising the risk of mistakes and keeping camps functioning properly.

Poor health and wellbeing

Hot, humid climates contribute to feelings of low energy and lethargy, affecting people’s ability to spring into action or perform tasks effectively.

However, more importantly, it places people’s health at risk, from headaches, fatigue and muscle cramps, to conditions such as hyperthermia and heatstroke.

Low temperatures and humidity levels can be equally problematic, ranging from skin irritation and allergy-like symptoms, to chronic throat infections and hypothermia.

Bacteria and mould growth

Excess humidity creates a fertile breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. This places people at greater risk of contagious illnesses, which is especially critical for patients in field hospitals.

Furthermore, in cold, humid conditions, mould can form within tents and containers. Again, this can risk the health of people in these settings.

Damage to equipment

It is vital that the equipment at a military camp or field hospital is in top condition whenever required. High temperatures and humidity can gradually affect the performance of equipment and speed up the need for these to be repaired or replaced.

Improper humidity levels can lead to:

Keeping the climate under control wherever equipment is stored reduces the risk of progressive moisture damage. This ensures equipment functions effectively for longer, and limits the frequency at which they are maintained, repaired or replaced.

How Dantherm enables camps and tents to control temperature and humidity

We hope that this has given you a clearer perspective on the need to manage the temperature and humidity within military camps and field hospitals – and what can happen if they are not kept under control.

At Dantherm, we have decades of expertise in developing robust, reliable tent heaters, tent coolers and humidifiers specifically designed for these unique environments.

Our solutions meet NATO specifications, are straightforward to install, operate and maintain, and ensure our customers can deliver optimal climates – with temperatures kept between 22ºC and 25ºC and relative humidity between 40% and 60% at all times.

We understand that, in order to maintain comfortable, optimal conditions within these spaces, it is essential that the solution employed has the correct capacity for each exact situation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. We have seen many cases where pre-existing climate control systems were only capable of reducing the humidity in a tent or container, not the temperature.

Through our experience and tried-and-tested methodology, we can calculate and devise solutions that give our customers total heating and cooling where required, taking into account:

  • The dimensions of the tent, container or structure

  • The number of people expected to occupy these spaces

  • The necessary fresh-air intake

With these details and more, we advise customers on the most suitable setup for their needs. Our products are built to withstand and operate effectively in all climate zones, so regardless of where camps or hospitals are set up, they can achieve the best internal temperatures possible.

Speak to the experts in climate control technology

When seeking the most suitable climate control solution for your camps or tents, whether it is heating, cooling or dehumidifying, Dantherm is the standout name in these environments. Organisations worldwide harness our NATO-compliant equipment in all climates, all year round.

Get in touch with our team today to discuss your situation, and start your path towards the perfect climate control system for your requirements.

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